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Module title = Tutorial: Congestive Heart Failure
Lesson title = Enlarged Heart
This is lesson 2 of 10 in this module
As the left ventricle dilates, the shadow of the heart becomes wider on the chest x-ray.
The width of the heart compared to the width of the thorax is called the cardiothoracic ratio.
A normal cardiothoracic ratio is < 0.5. In other words, the heart should be less than 50% of the width of the thorax.
Here is an example of a normal (< 0.5) cardiothoracic ratio. The yellow line represents the width of the heart. The blue line represents the width of the thoracic cavity:
Here is an example of an abnormal (wide) cardiothoracic ratio. The width of the heart is greater than 50% of the width of the thorax:
There are addition abnormalities in this chest x-ray that we will discuss in later modules.
Lesson 2 of 10
That was the last lesson!