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Module title = Tutorial: Derm Morphology
Lesson title = Macule
This is lesson 3 of 18 in this module
A primary morphology
flat: if you palpate a patch, you will not feel it at all
size: smaller than 1 cm in diameter
color: any color
General Explanation for a macule:
There is a change in colour of the affected area that
does not
result in thickening or thinning of either the epidermis or dermis
therefore the colour change does not correspond with the lesion being palpable
the colour change can be due to things like blood or melanin (the substance that gives our skin pigment).
Ephelids= Freckles
Solar lentigo= Sun spots, commonly referred to as "liver spots"
Petechiae = erythematous (red) to violaceous (purple) non-palpable lesions caused by a bleed from capillaries into the skin
(this example is hyper-pigmented = darker)
Lesson 3 of 18
That was the last lesson!