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Module title = Tutorial: Derm Morphology
Lesson title = Bulla
This is lesson 9 of 18 in this module
A primary morphology
Palpable: yes and is fluid filled. The fluid is usually clear and colorless or pale yellow. Essentially a BIG vesicle.
Size: larger than 1 cm
General Explanation for Bulla:
Fluid (blood or lymphatic fluid) accumulates in the epidermis or dermis separating the layers of skin from one another
Friction blister = after you wear new shoes for too long
Bullous pemphigoid = an autoimmune blistering disorder most often seen in elderly patients
Coma bullae = seen in individuals that do not move for long periods of time ie, patients in ICU, patients with drug overdoses causing sedation
Lesson 9 of 18
That was the last lesson!